March 17, 2010

Derk Robson Rocks the House

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It's not often that I pimp a competing agency on our blog, but in this case it seems pretty darn justified.

Goodby Silverstein & Partners has been a traditional agency that I have revered for years.  They have been named "Agency of the Year" more times than I care to count.

A few years back, they pulled a massive transformation and, seemingly overnight, became one of the most innovative and respected players on the digital stage.  They still hold that torch high.  I always wondered how they pulled it off so seamlessly. 

Next Thursday, I have the opportunity to find out, as their managing partner, Derek Robson, speaks to the New Denver Ad Club during their "Outside Voices" speaker series.  Members and non-members can attend.  If you're not a member yet, join and get a discount that ends today.  All the details here.



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