May 09, 2010

Viva la Social Media

Social media can be a tough sell. I've had conversations where my mentioning the word "Twitter" is received by a slew of skeptical sighs, aggressive head shaking, and even some questions asking if I suffer from a speech impediment.

Some believe that social media is just something the kids do but statistics show that the social media following is not limited to youth. In fact, it's not limited at all. Social media is reaching everyone. Fast.

I watched this video and was blown away. Using comparisons, raw numbers and forecast statistics, this video captures the sheer power of social media in a four and-a-half minute clip. Granted, the music is slightly over-dramatic and is better suited for the soundtrack of "The Matrix", but there's some excellent facts to leverage the case for social media to any sighing head-shaker. 


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I hadn't seen that one yet - thanks for sharing. Great minds think alike - we just posted something similar and linked to this social media video that I know you have already seen.

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